Tonight we have Cassie Anne going solo while Jake is away on holiday with a bad internet connection. Cassie chats idols, icecream and the fall of an After the Torch favourite.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 9
Cassie and Jake break down episode 9 of Australian Survivor 2017. Another power couple is no more, power has shifted and we learn a little more of the forgotten survivors.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 8
Cassie & Jake break down episode 8 of Australian Survivor season 2. Lots of scrambling and a tribal twist that no one saw coming. Yes Kent, you're sexy as!
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 7
We break down episode 7 of Survivor Australia 2017. BEN HAD A DIARY CAM!!! we chat shark hunters and power couples and say goodbye to a power house.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 6
We break down episode 6 of Australian Survivor 2017. Asaga finally have another tribal thanks to the "yoga instructor" and two lovers torn apart, there will be blood.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 5
We break down episode 5. The cookie chapter crumbles, new alliances are born, we discuss some deep survivor theory and one of the survivors is starting to redeem themselves in our eyes.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 4
We have a special guest for episode 4 Wendy from Sydney who's never watched survivor has her first survivor experience. Cookie empires are built and one of our favourites falls.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 3
Cassie and Jake chat all about episode 3 of Survivor Australia 2017. Proper alliances are starting to form, power couples are getting together, the strongest of which might be Luke and Jericho. Also knots.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 2
We recap Episode 2 of Season 2 of Survivor Australia. We get to know more a the contestants better, we talk about some butts and there is some crazy idol mayhem.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 1
Our first episode of After the Torch where we chat about Season 2 of Survivor Australia. We get to know a few of the contestants and pick our favourites to win.