Cassie & Jake chat about US Survivor Season 35 Episode 3. There are romances brewing, blindsides being planned and we talk the importance of self awareness in Survivor
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 26
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 25 much family time... but a great end to the episode.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 24
Cassie's back and it's finale week! It was a non elimination episode tonight but with a pretty big reward. A change in the jury could be the difference between a win and a loss.
US Survivor Season 35 Episode 2
It's just Jake today as Cassie's laryngitis has gotten worse. Episode 2 we see the development and re shuffling of some twos. We get to know the survivors better and our picks seem to be doing well.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 23
A bit of a short episode tonight as Cassie is still suffering from laryngitis. We say goodbye to another pick and head that bit closer to the final and what a strange bunch it is.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 22
Cassie & Jake talk about episode 22. We are getting down to the pointy end of the competition and what an unusual lot of finalists some really interesting gameplay from this final 6... well 5 now.
US Survivor Season 35 Episode 1
Cassie and Jake chat all about the new season of US Survivor Heroes VS Healers VS Hustlers. We talk first impressions and make our picks for the win.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 21
Cassie and Jake chat about tonights episode. So sad to be saying good by to a truly unique Survivor player. Will a phoenix rise from the ashes?
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 20
Tonight you are in the capable hands of Cassie Anne as Jake is away. Hope you all enjoy. Lets be honest if you're going to have one of us it's better to have Cassie.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 19
Tonights episodes show us that we really don't have a big strong alliances, some powerful pairs though. Right now it really seems like anyones game.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 18
WOW one of the best episodes. The Survivor auction, an amazing reward that formed the champagne alliance and a HUGE blindside.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 17
Woah! We are at episode 17, that means we are really getting into the thick of it. Some fantastic lies, the wrong people taking the blame and Jericho bonds his cookie alliance with the glue that is JAM!!!
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 16
We are finally at merge, but it meant we had to bid farewell to one of our picks. We chat about rewards and the dreaded letter readings.
Australian Survivor Megacast
Tonights special episode is a Megacast featuring us speaking with three other Australian Survivor podcasters. Ben from The Oz Network, Chris from Previously on Australian Survivor and Kyle from 2 Boys Talk Survivor. We hope you enjoy.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 15
We are nearly at MERGE!!!!
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 14
Cassie and Jake talk Survivor episode 14. On this episode we have a budding bromance, a who to vote kerfuffle and a MUTINY!
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 13
Cassie & Jake chat about episode 13 of Australian Survivor season 2. Idols a plenty, our picks are still in and we lose our loveable awkward survivor.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 12
Jake's still away but Cassie and Jake are back together, at least in podcast for. Today we chat about a devastating loss, the good plays the bad plays and getting back to an almost regular episode of Survivor.
Australian Survivor Season 2 Episode 11
Jake takes the reins tonight and discusses episode 11 of Australian Survivor Season 2. A strange episode which will potentially have strange consequences on the game. Let's see.