
Magic & Mishaps is a rules light Tabletop roleplaying game where everyone is a magic user. The system is simple to learn for new and old players of rpgs. We only use 6 sided dice to play.



Magic & Mishaps comes with a big list of spells for you to pick ranks in. Each spell can be ranked up to make it more powerful. Don’t have a rank in a spell or want to cast it at a higher rank? Well you can but you might suffer a magical mishap.


Magical Mishaps

Magical Mishaps will put the characters into more strife, that’s what happens when you play with magic you don’t really know. But whatever happens they always help to fuel more adventure and throw a wrinkle in a careful plan.

we have found players really enjoy rolling a mishap, I guess we all love a bit of chaos.

I would love your feedback on Magic & Mishaps, critical, constructive, positive or negative. Click the button bellow to head over to the feedback form.

Fill out the form to grab the play-test PDF

I will send you an email once the full version is released.

Bellow are some useful things for all players to have at the table.

Just Click the button and you will be able to download.